Directions to Soajo

Here you can find all the information on how to get to Casinha da Horta, either by public transport or by car from Lisbon, Porto or Vigo.

Directions to Soajo

Driving directions from Lisbon to Soajo.

The journey from Lisbon to Soajo takes 4 hours and 25 minutes and covers a distance of 427 kilometres.
The journey costs €76.5 in tolls, plus fuel:

LPG: 31,88 € = Total: 108,38 €

Petrol: €45.08 = Total: 121,58  €

Diesel: 41,46 € = Total: 117,96 €

Electric: 9,74 € = Total: 86,24 €

Prices calculated on 2/1/2023

Source: Google Maps

Driving directions from Porto to Soajo.

The journey from Porto to Soajo takes 1 hour and 32 minutes and covers a distance of 122 kilometres.
The journey costs €6.66 in tolls, plus fuel:

LPG: 7,86 € = Total: 14,52 €

Petrol: 13,97 € = Total: 20,63 €

Diesel: 12,21 € = Total: 18,87 €

Electric: 2,19 € = Total: 8,85 €

Prices calculated on 2/1/2023

Source: Google Maps

Driving directions from Vigo to Soajo.

The journey from Vigo to Soajo takes 1 hour and 25 minutes and covers a distance of 101 kilometres.
The journey costs €2.9 in tolls, plus fuel:

LPG: 6,98 € = Total: 9,88 €

Petrol: 12,5 € = Total: 15,4 €

Diesel: 10,83 € = Total: 13,73 €

Electric: 2,58 € = Total: 5,48 €

Prices calculated on 2/1/2023

Source: Google Maps

Public transport directions to Soajo.

Bus and railways

Public transport directions from Lisbon to Soajo.

From Lisbon to Soajo by rail

The train journey from Lisbon to Braga takes approximately 4 hours and 30 minutes. From Braga to Soajo it takes no more than 2 hours, with a distance of 55 kilometres.
The trip costs:

Lisbon -Braga = approx. €30

Bus Braga – Arcos de Valdevez = approx. €10

Arcos de Valdevez Bus – Soajo = 2.5 €

Total: aprox. 42,5 €

Prices calculated on 1/2/2023 for 1 person

Alternative Taxi Arcos de Valdevez - Soajo

The distance from Arcos de Valdevez to Soajo is 20 kilometres, with a duration of 30 minutes. Approximate price is between €20 and €25.

Taxi contact: Taxis Arcos de Valdevez – 936173111 (Call to portuguese national mobile network)

From Lisbon to Soajo by bus

The journey from Lisbon to Braga lasts 3 hours and 40 minutes and covers a distance of 365 kilometres. From Braga to Soajo it takes no more than 2 hours, with a distance of 55 kilometres.
The trip costs:

Lisbon – Braga = approx. €13

Braga – Arcos de Valdevez = approx. €10

Arcos de Valdevez – Soajo = 2,5 €

Total: aprox. 25,5 €

Prices calculated on 1/2/2023 for 1 person

Alternative Taxi Arcos de Valdevez - Soajo

The distance from Arcos de Valdevez to Soajo is 20 kilometres, with a duration of 30 minutes. Approximate price is between €20 and €25.

Taxi contact: Taxis Arcos de Valdevez – 936173111 (Call to portuguese national mobile network)

Source: Google Maps

Timetables Braga - Arcos de Valdevez - Soajo


-b) Monday and Wednesday. -a) Monday to Friday, school period. -c) Monday and Wednesday, outside the school period.

Sources: Avic, Salvador and Renex/Rede Expressos 

Public transport directions from Porto to Soajo.

From Porto to Soajo by rail

The train journey from Porto to Braga takes approximately 40 minutes. From Braga to Soajo it takes no more than 2 hours, with a distance of 55 kilometres.
The trip costs:

Porto – Braga = 3,25 €

Braga – Arcos de Valdevez = approx. €10

Arcos de Valdevez – Soajo = 2,5 €

Total: aprox. 15,75 €

Prices calculated on 1/2/2023 for 1 person

Alternative Taxi Arcos de Valdevez - Soajo

The distance from Arcos de Valdevez to Soajo is 20 kilometres, with a duration of 30 minutes. Approximate price is between €20 and €25.

Taxi contact: Taxis Arcos de Valdevez – 936173111 (Call to portuguese national mobile network)

From Porto to Soajo by bus

The journey from Porto to Braga lasts 45 minutes and is 55 kilometres. From Braga to Soajo it takes no more than 2 hours, with a distance of 55 kilometres.
The trip costs:

Porto – Braga = aprox. 8 €

Braga – Arcos de Valdevez = approx. €10

Arcos de Valdevez – Soajo = 2,5 €

Total: aprox. 20,5 €

Prices calculated on 1/2/2023 for 1 person

Alternative Taxi Arcos de Valdevez - Soajo

The distance from Arcos de Valdevez to Soajo is 20 kilometres, with a duration of 30 minutes. Approximate price is between €20 and €25.

Taxi contact: Taxis Arcos de Valdevez – 936173111(Call to portuguese national mobile network)

Source: Google Maps

Timetables Braga - Arcos de Valdevez - Soajo


-b) Monday and Wednesday. -a) Monday to Friday, school period. -c) Monday and Wednesday, outside the school period.

Sources: Avic, Salvador and Renex/Rede Expressos 

Public transport directions from Vigo to Soajo.

From Vigo to Soajo by rail

The train journey from Vigo to Braga takes approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes. From Braga to Soajo it takes no more than 2 hours, with a distance of 55 kilometres.
The trip costs:

Vigo – Braga = Not available

Braga – Arcos de Valdevez = approx. €10

Arcos de Valdevez – Soajo = 2,5 €

Total: Not available

Prices calculated on 1/2/2023 for 1 person

Alternative Taxi Arcos de Valdevez - Soajo

The distance from Arcos de Valdevez to Soajo is 20 kilometres, with a duration of 30 minutes. Approximate price is between €20 and €25.

Taxi contact: Taxis Arcos de Valdevez – 936173111 (Call to portuguese national mobile network)

From Vigo to Soajo by bus

The journey from Vigo to Braga takes 1 hour and 30 minutes and has a distance of 101 kilometres. From Braga to Soajo it takes no more than 2 hours, with a distance of 55 kilometres.
The trip costs:

Vigo – Braga = aprox. 10 €

Braga – Arcos de Valdevez = approx. €10

Arcos de Valdevez – Soajo = 2,5 €

Total: aprox. 22,5 €

Prices calculated on 1/2/2023 for 1 person

Alternative Taxi Arcos de Valdevez - Soajo

The distance from Arcos de Valdevez to Soajo is 20 kilometres, with a duration of 30 minutes. Approximate price is between €20 and €25.

Taxi contact: Taxis Arcos de Valdevez – 936173111 (Call to portuguese national mobile network)

Source: Google Maps

Timetables Braga - Arcos de Valdevez - Soajo


-b) Monday and Wednesday. -a) Monday to Friday, school period. -c) Monday and Wednesday, outside the school period.

Sources: Avic, Salvador and Renex/Rede Expressos 

Experience Soajo

A journey into the culture and nature of the National Park Peneda-Gerês.

We await your contact

(Call to portuguese national mobile network)